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The Challenge Of Academicians
                                An address by Alfred Farrington

Challenges, challenges, and more challenges. Some old challenges have been solved. Persistent challenges are currently being tackled. New challenges we have never faced before await us.

College life presents us with challenges every day. And each
challenge is an exercise -- an exercise to sharpen our minds and tackle real life problems.

Academicians and debaters as well, are people who are willing to face challenges and use persuasive techniques to persuade others to solve or help implement solutions to these challenges.

As Patriotic Crusaders, we stand or fall on how committed we are to principles of limited government, free enterprise, strong national defense, and traditional biblical moral values. We have a considerable challenge ahead of us.  Since the 1930s, the federal government and the liberals have been working hard towards making our values virtually extinct. However, God has shown us in history that His word prevails.

National Socialism failed, international Zionism will crumble, and those that still work towards a Godless agenda will soon be fighting on the defensive side, and shall lose battles across the world.

In order to have Biblical law imposed, we must have dedicated academic debaters and principled statesmen grounded in the word of God. We must have men, who like Martin Luther, were willing to burn at the stake for their convictions. We must have leaders who will stop at nothing to implement biblical law in our midst and elsewhere. Men who will not be afraid to stand up and fight a good and worthwhile fight.

My topic is the challenges that face us; I should begin by reviewing a brief lesson in history, for history has taught us that God has been at work in His gracious providence.

 Let's look first at old problems that continue to haunt us and present a threat to Christendom. Do you think that we have solved a lot of problems? We have. But some other problems continue to persecute and haunt us.

  Let me list some of them:

Communism: It's "win psychology" and the source of their
strength. Many people will argue today that communism lies in ruins or shambles. They are wrong. Communism, in America and elsewhere alike, is still strong and so are its tenets. The fall of the Soviet Union may tempt some of us to think communism is dead, I assure you that it is not.

Government is still too big, too restrictive on our property rights, and too pervasively tyrannical towards us. Communism as a governmental system may be failing, but it's principles are still alive and well. They are being taught in many of our secular campuses, public schools, and through the media.

The majority of the American people believe that guns must be restricted, that hate crimes legislation is necessary and good, that multiculturalism is a good thing, and that God must not be allowed through the front doors of public buildings.

In fact, many Americans believe that health care is a human right even if no significant legislation or motion has been made yet to move the country in that direction.

2. The second mistake many of us make is in assuming that we are winning or have won the defensive battle. I assure you we have not. We are still on the defensive side and currently losing.

Government in this country still remains the enemy of God. It still adheres to the myth of the "separation of church and state" and it ceaselessly refuses to even acknowledge our Christian heritage as a nation.

Government remains antagonistic towards God, and the Bible. The federal government keeps pushing more and more programs that are contrary to scripture. Head Start, Welfare, Civil Rights, Affirmative Action, Equality, and Egalitarianism remain as the main forces of the federal government

As White Christians, we must understand that we have the Greek Cyclopes beast in Washington D.C. We have no ammunition and they have nuclear power against us Our words are like bibi guns for the government. They keep shooting nuclear artillery at us through the media, the public schools, and other programs.

Do we even have enough armor to at least attempt to shoot a .22 caliber shot against them? I don't believe so. I believe we must develop this army. We must develop strategic ways to educate, recruit, and peacefully fight the federal government. I would appreciate more air rifle power.  I would appreciate the help of those willing to fight back until the last drop of blood.

So are we still on the defensive side? Absolutely! We must develop the mindset that we are on the defensive side and must stop at nothing to win this war. We have lost many battles, but as the saying goes, one battle doesn't win a war.

It is a full-fledged war we are fighting against Satan, his dark angels, and the stenches of hell. What will it take to convince you to become a warrior in the army and regiment of the Lord?

Many Biblical Christians believe that just because we have elected a few conservative presidents here and there, that we are winning the culture war. In fact, most of us would love to see Bush elected. Why is this so? Bush, who is simply a Clinton clone in disguise, is actually a traitor to Christians.

Bush has no clear-cut Biblical agenda, and the only difference between him and Clinton is that Mr. Clinton does not have to deceive half of the Christian remnant of voters. Clinton just simply openly campaigns as an anti-Christian, while Bush courts us and we willingly betroth Bush.

Did we solve the problem in 1994? I know we didn't and so do you. Congress may be Republican, but it continues to support more than half of Clinton's anti-Christian godless agenda.

Have we had welfare reform? Have American streets been cleaned up? Have property taxes, and income taxes been reduced to a trickle? Has illegal immigration stopped? You discern. Obviously, God has judged this nation and continues to judge us. More than 1,000,000 babies are murdered each year in abortions.

Abortion, prostitution, and homosexuality are rampant in our streets. Diversity, multiculturalism, and equality have taken a toll on our nation, schools, and streets.

So then what is the practical solution and outworking of this mess and pigsty that neither the Republicans nor Democrats have solved? The answer is simple. Develop a distinctively Christian political party and approach to the political polytheism we have.

A party who will not be afraid to stand up and say: "End abortion! Away with illegal immigration, away with Zionism, let's quarantine the aliens, let's systematically eliminate all subversives," and so on!

Remember, the challenge before us is not reform. It is proper debate, evangelism, and eventually revolution against the federal government.

We must tear down the oppressive walls of the federal government and stop at nothing to clean up America and Christianize it.

4. Many Christians are currently and understandably embittered by the liberal media bias. We make the mistake of assuming that we solved that problem in the 1970's.

Let us not be fooled, we have not solved that problem. The left continues to dominate the mass media and TV productions. The liberal Jews, whom nobody wishes to identify, certainly have a tight grip on our media.
Why must we be so afraid to even utter a word of criticism against the Jews? Is it because we are afraid of being labeled "neo-nazis?" I say to all of you that it is time to forget and not worry about that criticism.

We must not give in to liberalism in any form. Even if the risk is being called neo-nazis. Remember, it is actually the liberals who are the real nazis!

They are the ones seeking to destroy our civilization. They are the ones who persecute us. They are the ones who systematically indoctrinate our children and poison their minds with homosexual filth and so-called tolerance schemes.

It is they whom we have allowed to train our children. It is they who secretly conspire to subvert us and destroy us. It is they who are leading the annual holocaust of a million aborted babies while letting black criminals go free! The liberals have done just what the Nazis are "alleged" to have done during the second world war. They have sat down, identified our remnant of people, and then have taken it upon themselves to destroy everything we have always worked for, valued, and stood for through their skillfully deceptive, but racially and religiously destructive and gruesome propaganda.

The disgusting liberal Jewish propaganda against the alleged atrocities of the Nazis is appalling. How dare they accuse patriots of neo-Nazism when neither the real Nazis nor we even come close to the destruction the liberal Jews have caused! The Jews have murdered more than 15,000,000 people in the name of "tolerance" for the past 75 years. When will the madness stop? Look closely at the country that was the United States and now look at what the Jews have made of it! No, we are no longer a melting pot of White European Christians, we are a putrid and rotten salad bowl made up of just about every despicable "vegetables" that are only fit for the rats!

So, what have these wretched Jews done to our nation? Let me list a few "accomplishments":

1. We now have a nation that comprises a brainwashed lot of young people. We have vegans, whiggers, punks, anarcho-socialists, negroid thugs, filthy mouthed youth, sexually active teens, aids carriers, queers, and the usual lot.
2. We now have a nation that has drive by shootings, drugs, urban sprawls and crimes, academically deficient schools, Negro "English", white girls kissing the huge lips of Negroids.
3. We now have a nation of quadroons, octaroons, and racially mixed filth. A nation of Wiccans, Pagans, Buddhists, and so called "Atheists."
4. We now have a nation of sexually driven White youths who have a feminist mentality and are quite sensitive!
5. We now have a nation of rap music filth, of raunchy films, of Jewish propaganda, of flat-chested, short haired, hairy armpit lesbian feminist dikes who hate men. "Women" such as Alanis Morisette, Jewel, and Janet Reno.
6. We now have a nation of Jerry Springer, brainwashed, couch potato, gum chewing, hair-sprayed bunch of lemmings!

Gentlemen, it is time to disregard what the world says about us. It is time to realize that the world is like a prostitute constantly enticing and luring us away from obedience to Christ, and His law-word.

 Most of us think we have beaten the educational establishment and the prostitution of education simply because we have Christian schools and home-schooling.  We believe that just because we have limited educational choice, school vouchers, tuition tax credits, and charter schools, we are winning the war.

Gentlemen, I confess to you, we have not even won the battle! Alas, today the leftist educational system still has a tight grip on our nation and our children. Our children continue to be taught outcome based education, diversity, and anti-Christian ethical systems.

We must learn that this battle and indeed this war, will not be won until we have successfully pulled out every child out of the public schools. We have not yet learned how to bankrupt the public sewer system we call schools.

Let us learn that as new immigrant pagan groups come into this nation and flood it, that these immigrant pagans will be headed towards the public schools and shall amalgamate with Americans. Let us praise God that with the advent of home-schooling, we shall become a superior people in both literary, and mathematical skills. This is essential for winning the war. If we are not properly equipped, the liberal and pagan parasites will cling to us, suck our blood, and eventually devour us. This persistent challenge that faces us as Christian thinkers and academics must be faced and dealt with.

Gentlemen, I have spoken to you on the five basic challenges facing us. I will now focus on briefer strategies, and solutions as well as some anecdotes.

Today, we fill this room with Christians -- in a country where orthodox Christians have become a minority, where in most states and cities we are hated and reviled

In the future, God will bless us! The wages of sin IS DEATH! We must believe that verse if we are going to survive and fight with the best we have and all we have. We shall achieve success, Lord willingly, if He tarries. During the next few decades, we will see the Lord bless us if we are faithful and obedient to His law word.

What are you willing to contribute to plan and work for the establishment of the Kingdom of God? Are you willing to work hard every day? Are you willing to contribute? Are you willing to sacrifice your life for God's kingdom? Are you willing to supply God's army with all of your money, time, talents, and ammunition? Who is willing to wage this holy war against Satan, his angels, and his pagan peoples?

Keeping this in mind, I have developed a few short term strategies that will help us face the challenge of academics and will allow us to take back our schools, and indeed, our soil! The land and soil our fathers toiled!

The basic solutions to the Challenge of Academics that face us are far too complex to be solved or discussed in this small speech. However, if we keep the following things in mind, we shall have dominion!

Harass your liberal politicians as much as you can. Write, call, or talk to them personally. Organize coalitions of men who are willing to lead a good fight!

If society, or the politicians show hostility to God's word, raise hell! Pray and exhort God to damn them! However, let us remember that although we won't allow compromise, the good ought not become the enemy of the perfect. Half a loaf is better than no loaf. If we have no loaf, we shall starve.

Let us organize a coalition of like-minded churches who will form caucuses to outvote those who betray God. There is an old western anecdote that speaks of ranchers and wolves. Some old ranchers in the west found out that by adding a piece of new wolf skin to their front door, it deterred other bad wolves in the area. Let us then learn how to skin alive the politicians who betray us! Let's literally hang them in the public square to teach everyone a lesson!

Thank you for taking the time to be here and attend this most important meeting. I have realized this was more of a lecture than a speech, but I felt God leading me to talk to you today.

Remember, challenges are opportunities for us to find solutions. Let us lead! Let's tear down the liberal academics, the ivory towers, the liberal media and politicians and face our challenge as Christian academicians!

                                Alfred Farrington