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Mumia Abu-Jamal & David Lane: Big Difference!



Today I want to bring to your attention something that hasn't been given much publicity by the media,

except a few times here and there if it serves to promote their destructive and poisonous agenda. I'm sure most of you listeners or readers have heard of the criminal murderer who calls himself Mumia Abu-Jamal. Now, I really don't want to condemn the fact that he shot and killed a police officer......that's not

what makes him the lying criminal piece of filth he is. The reason I'm even taking the time to discuss

Mumia, is not because I believe he has human dignity to focus our own efforts. Rather, I would like to contrast how the lemmings, and especially, the liberals have treated both of these cases.

I am not going to go into detail as to who Mumia is, or who David Lane is. In fact, I am not even going to bother in relaying all of the facts of their stories again. However, let me refresh your memory on a few details. Mumia was a Black Communist journalist, and I use the term journalist very loosely, who was stopped by officer Faulkner when the officer suspected him of drug possession. After that, we all know the real story, Mumia shoots and murders the police officer, goes to jail, gets sentenced to death. and writes a fictitious piece of propaganda in order for the college leftist students and professors to propagate to the brain dead lemmings. I won't really go into detail as to what his so-called literature contains. Of Course, Mumia does mention the usual myths about police brutality, discrimination, oppression, and so on.

Mumia is such a low piece of genetic scum, that I really don't feel comfortable in taking more of our time to discuss it. Now, I want to talk about a patriot and a real human man called David Lane. For those of you who do not know, Mr. Lane was a member of what the media used to call a "terrorist" group in the 1980's. The reason they called it that was because of a series of car bombings, and so-called "racist"

killings. Now, I will confess to something, the politicians and the controlled news-media had better be

terrified when they see the plans we have for them. I don't just mean plans to take out every criminal like Mr. Clinton in the White House and hang them or cut their throats either. I mean a complete take over of the government with absolutely no one spared. Then we will really be the "terrorists."

I only have time to quote certain excerpts from David Lane's last address to the jury. It should be required reading in all universities. Instead, they have opted to have students read Mumia's filth called "Live From Death Row" which should not surprise you that that type of junk passes for literature these days in the Marxist English departments. Well, anyway, here are some excerpts from his address.

He stated: "That this trial even occurred is a violation of every Constitutional protection against double jeopardy. He goes on to mention how the so-called "justice system" kept on using illegal machinations

and treason in order to prosecute and convict him. This type of illegal outrageousness shouldn't really surprise any of us. I mean, these are after all, the days of O.J. Simpson trials where Black murderers can walk. These are the days when Black and Chicano gang members can be forced into schools, commit school-yard massacres, and go unpunished! These are the days of Hillary and Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. What else can we really expect?

I really want all of you, not just some, but all, to focus on the difference in what David Lane said and compare it to the utter nonsense lies told by Mumia. Compare the attention Mumia received from the media, and what he said, to what they did to David Lane. Compare David Lane's alleged crimes, and look at those of the convicted Black rapists and murderers or cop killers like Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Look at how that piece of filthy squalor which passes for a human being these days disrespected Judge Sabo and the jury and look at the wonderful speech Mr. Lane gave. Anyone who calls himself decent would know that the difference between Mr. Lane and Mumia was not so much what they did, but it had all to do with their race and their intentions.

You see, David Lane was a White man. The Jews who control our mass media and government cannot afford to have someone like David Lane go free. They know there would be absolutely no room for them in a White America or a White Europe. Sure, they figure, we can have Black rapist criminal cop killers walk since in the end, we want America to actually become a jungle instead of a nation. Jews don't care if White little girls are tortured, raped, and sodomized by Black drug pushers. They want that for America! They want to see the day when America is no longer White! The Jew will be satisfied when every young White girl in America is forced to bed down with a Black rapist.

So you see, that is why nearly all of the major universities have been pushing hard to have students read

Jamal's works instead of Lane's. Lane's motives were certainly not theirs and they knew it. I just wish that perhaps some day, there will be more David Lane's out there who will not be afraid to speak and act on the truth. Men who will be as courageous as Timothy Mcveigh was when he blasted the Oklahoma City building. Men who will not feel guilty about going into the Congress and hunting down every treacherous politician to the last blood drop. Real men, who unlike Mumia, will not preach poisonous lies from the jail cell. Maybe I'm being too ambitious when I say that I want to see every traitor to our race blasted. The reality is, however, that if we do not settle for that course, there is no other hope for us.

Another thing which I should bring to your attention is that neither the mass media nor the college professors will ever quote you David Lane's famous 14 words. I am neither a traitor, nor a criminal, so I will tell it to you. If you don't already know, you had better focus on these 14 words or we will surely be doomed to destruction. If these 14 words are something you cannot stomach, or is something that makes you feel uncomfortable because of the implications, I suggest you no longer continue to read. Just file this away as you have filed all of my other warnings. After all, you can always depend on CNN and C-SPAN to cover the latest political stories worthy of mentioning, or even better, there's always the late night movie at the dollar theater.

I want every patriot to take heed of these 14 words and begin to act on them. I don't just want you to listen and then say: "Oh yeah, he's right!" No! I want you to make yourself determined to follow this. Determined at whatever cost it takes. If it takes thinking tribally, so be it. If it requires your perseverance, all the better. If your family rejects you because of it, who needs them? Mark David Lane's words in your head and act on them. Essentially, the 14 words I am about to read to you are the crux of the matter. Here they are:


Did you hear that patriots? WE MUST! Not we should, or let's talk about it! No, WE MUST!

And that is the difference between Mr. Lane and Mumia, the cop killer. You see, Mumia has no intentions of preserving our race. In fact, if it were up to him, he would love to see it destroyed.

In Mumia's so-called book, which is more of a pamphlet of Ginsbergian and Freudian lies and gibberish than anything, he shows his true motives. He shows what a filthy and lying criminal he is. He shows how utterly despicable the justice system is in this country. The book, if it is anything worthy of mentioning, does provide evidence of how the politicians and their collaborators are pushing hard to have this Black criminal walk.

We're not as nice and as treacherous as the politicians are, however. You know, I'd like to tell you what kind of "walk" Mumia should do. It's really too bad his book is called "Live From Death Row." It ought to be called "Awaiting Death in Death Row." Seriously, the only walk Mumia should do is a good and long walk to a concentration camp where there he can be executed at gun point. I assure you that would be the only just way of dealing with a piece of human scum such as Mumia. I know I have probably disappointed at how I have ranted on and on about Mumia. I hope you aren't that upset. Of course the liberals will be upset, but hey, it is my intention to offend those who are sick with the disease of liberalism. They are after all, replaceable. They're not the folks who I want to change. They were an accident of creation from the beginning.

Your children in the public schools may actually have already been indoctrinated with the Mumia story. Ask them about it and see what they say. I won't even be mentioning the college girls of both sexes because I am a college student after all and I know how most of my colleagues think. Most of them are smart, but they are so brainwashed by the system, they want to be so fashionable and trendy, that their intelligence really doesn't count. Yes, some of them are redeemable, but don't count on most of them.

I think that in this speech I have really hit a nerve. I think I have succeeded in pointing out what I wanted to about the difference between a hero, and a lying cop killer.

Of course, you won't hear any of my commentaries in the controlled news media. They would like to keep the lemmings believing that Mumia was framed, and that David Lane was the real racist terrorist! And as I said before, there IS a big difference between the two. While Mumia is busy wasting the tax payer's money from his jail cell writing lies and getting them published by Jewish publications, Mr. Lane was executed, illegally, and at the expense of the Constitution. Now, if that doesn't make you see the difference between what Mumia is, and who David Lane is, then I don't know what will.

And we had better be certain that we will be as different as Lane was. You know, oftentimes we speak of criminals and gangsters or rappers or even liars. But here we have a case where the real criminal, Mumia, is all of these. He is the criminal, the gangster, the rapping thug as well as the raping thug, and let there be no doubt that I want to make it VERY clear before I close, that Mumia IS and ALWAYS will be a cop killer. He will always be a lying thug who likes to propagandize about rapists being set free. Mr. Lane, on the other hand, wanted to save our nation, and most importantly, our race! He was a true hero and will always live in our hearts. I would say that's a BIG DIFFERENCE!


Alfred Farrington, Council of Conservative Citizens