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It’s Time For Armed Revolution


I have been mentioning for the past few weeks about the incessant monster who continuously conspires to murder our people. I have been lamenting at the fact that thefederal government in Washington D.C. will not help us because it has become, and therefore is, our most dangerous enemy. I have been pondering about the lurid details of the Jewish efforts to enforce racial integration, to control our media, to corrupt our youth, to trash our cities, to provoke moral nihilism, to destroy our moral standards, to pierce through our ways, to poison the minds of school-children with scenes of racial mixing and the promotion of tolerance, to convince our people, and especially, our women, that to bed down and fornicate with Negroes is trendy and fashionable, to invoke a sense of White guilt, and finally, I have exposed Jewish efforts whose ultimate goal is to destroy us as a nation and as a race.

I lament the fact that I am forced to make an appeal to you. How long are we going to allow this sickness to continue while we still have the weapons to stop it? What will it take for me to convince you that the biggest poison facing our people is Jewish efforts to enforce racial and homosexual integration? I am going to briefly discuss the great and awesome potential that we possess to eventually arm ourselves, march like storm-troopers, and disband the federal government. Everything that we do is either through chance, nature, compulsion, habit, calculation, anger, or appetite. Now, let me go back to my earlier point and discuss what our strengths and weaknesses are as a people even though I do not concede to focus on this point exhaustively.

First, we are a people who, like anything else, possess weaknesses and flaws which must be perfected. We are easily misled, manipulated, and intimidated by the Jews. If the Jewish media tells us racism is wrong, we won’t dare cross them and utter a racist sound. If the Jews make it a point to convince our children that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, then we will allow our children to be suckered in to believing that particular myth. If the Jews push for a policy for their benefit, we will shrink and grovel at their feet to accept it. Indeed, we have a similar situation to the Weinmar Republic before Adolf Hitler cleaned it and took care of the situation.

We are a people who enjoy going to the shopping malls, the ballgames, and the cinema and who don’t give a flying hellfire for what faces us as long as long as everyone is happy, the economy is fine, and the slaves of Jews like Mr.Brokaw tell us we need more gun control. We must overcome these sicknesses. In essence, we, as a people, have moral Aids.  Let me now address our strengths. We have always been a conquering people. We are a people with strong literary and musical backgrounds. We have always had, until now, the ability to conquer our enemies. These are the few abilities we must focus on in an in-depth way. On that note, let me discuss what our potential strategies ought to be.

First, we must use the chance we still possess, but soon willlose, in overthrowing the federal government. I believe we have the numbers, the weapons, the facilities, the people, and the talents. Let us use this last chance we have to ultimately destroy and uproot the government. If it takes usage of guns and firearms against the federalist tyrants, what are you waiting for? If it takes a few scientists in biochemistry getting together and making a plan or a formula for a bomb, what’s taking you so long? If it takes armed militiamen to conquer the federal government, what seems to be the problem? If it takes converting our homes into temporary barracks for the soldiers, what are we waiting for? If it takes outright refusal, or violent resistance against the government to strengthen us as a people, what are you waiting for?

We have given up too many chances to overthrow the government. The secret bosses of the New World Order are pushing hard to limit our size and our power. They will eventually pass hate crimes legislation, outlaw guns, suppress free speech, and enforce their destructive and wicked agenda. Our time is running out. Whenever I see a young white girl drooling over a Negro, or kissing his thick lips, I know we are on the verge of extinction and the tidal wave has just hit the beach. Whenever I see our youngsters looking up to Negroes, or homosexual perverts, I know time is running out. Each moment we allow to disappear is a bullet against our chests. Enough is enough! We’ve had it.   It is time for armed revolution!

Second, we must use both human nature, and natural nature. We have an inherent nature, as I stated earlier, to conquer and defeat our enemy. We are to use all the resources available. Let us use the woods, the trees, the barns, and yes, our rifles and bullets. We are to no longer rely on the Federal Constitution -- it is too late. Justice Hugo Black himself declared that the courts, are courts of law. Nevermindjustice, but law. Whose law is being enforced? The Jew’s. If we are going to use the courts for our purposes, it is already too late. If that’s the law you’re looking for, then we are to have no part with you. You are already corrupted.

Thirdly, through compulsion. We must feel compelled to fight. We are to no longer simply "adjust" to the problems we face. Does it not compel you to fight when you see white women bedding down with Negroes? Does it not just make you so sick that you feel compelled to pull out your shotguns and shoot every New World Order boss who is behind this racially destructive propaganda? Don’t you feel compelled to fight to go to sleep every night knowing, that because of the despicable Jewish minority running our country, that a White person is being tortured, raped, or mugged by a non-white? When you see the way our youngsters talk, with that filthy Negro Jive-talk, how they dress, with four family sized jeans, how they move, like monkeys in a filthy cage, that should make you compelled to fight at any, and I do mean ANY, subversive element that seeks to undermine us. I don’t just mean by fighting words, I mean byarmed conflict.

If, and I mean only IF, we are to counter vicious attacks on our people, to destroy government interference, to criminalize the Jews, to prosecute the enemy, and if we are to feed our hunger against the enemy, then we must attack!

Fourth, this must be done through habit. We must develop the habit to train, to recruit, to shoot, to kill the enemy, to plot against tyranny, to be willing to shed blood at the price of freedom, to develop mass propaganda strategies, to learn and study the enemy, to educate, to be disciplined, to turn violent against anyone who opposes any action, any thought, and any word that is said for the benefit of our people.

Fifth, through calculation. This war is not to be fought through sloppy or shoddy planning. We must calculate this carefully. There will be many things involved in this careful calculation. For example, many readers may be asking what exactly is involved in careful calculation. Careful calculation means that we must know the system so well, that when the time to attack comes, we know exactly who it is that deserves the careful, calculated lynching. Careful calculation means that we must know our weapons and know our targets so that we may aim in the appropriate direction. It means that we are going to make financial sacrifices if need be to purchase the guns while we can. Careful calculation means to be wiser than serpents, to be just like the Jew, to rigorously study the doctrine that our great philosophers disseminate, it means disregarding trivial consequences and concentrating on strategy. Remember, never let the good become the enemy of the bad. If a policy strengthens us as a people, then we must fight for it. If a policy undermines our people, then we must fight it. Careful calculation will probably be the most difficult endeavor we undertake in this revolution against the Federal Republic.

Sixth, through anger. When a Negro mixes with a member of our race, we are to be angered. When we see the Jewish media bosses and the secret bosses of the New World Order, when we see our schools corrupted, when we observe our youth imitating the Negroes at baseball or basketball games, when Mr.Clinton passes a policy which subsequently becomes law, when we see the homosexuals on the streets openly displaying their vicious wickedness and lusts, when we look at the public schools, when we observe our universities which are being destroyed by the illegal hordes of aliens, when we see Negroes and Latinos defying our police officers, when we hear the alien sounds of salsa music and Rancheras, and the disgusting and Satanic beat of rap music and Zambas on our streets, when we watch MTV, when see NYC or Atlanta or LA, we are to be angry. We are to be as angry as God is with sin. Our anger must be kindled by the slightest hint of racial mixing or New World Order propaganda. We must control our anger and channel it in the appropriate directions, but we must never fall for the evil myth of world peace. We are to be as angry as a tornado that ravages a city, as angry as a mighty hurricane ravaging through homes, as angry as a swarm of dangerous bees who will fly miles to attack their predator, as angry as a serial killer is at his victim, as angry as a hungry wolf, as angry as a panther in the jungle, and as angry as the Jews are with us. We must develop this type of anger. This type of anger, this type of reaction, this kind of emotion, this kind of belief, this kind of attack, and this kind of action. Any other type of false anger or non-violent stance is doomed to failure and damnation. It’s time for an angry and armed revolution! It’s time to disarm the federal goverment! It’s time to take back our streets, to clean up our schools, to eliminate Jews and other race mixers, to execute feminists and homosexuals, and hymn-singing boobs! Now is the time to clean up America! We must make the so-called ethnic cleansing in Kosovo look like a pre-school game show event next to what we must do and are going to do! Until every Jewish subversive, every enemy of our people, every communist, every tyrant, and every filthy and disgusting hypocritical politician is not hung from every single lamp post in all of our streets and we see rivers of blood flowing down the streets, we will not succeed! The day that we hang them and make real lampshades out of them or make them soap scum, will be the day the sun of Liberty rises and we can say: "The Victory Is Ours!"

Seventh, through appetite. Let’s develop a ravaging appetite to satisfy our hunger for justice! When you see your children being corrupted, does it make you hungry for justice? Does it make you hungry to hang the enemy? Does it wedge your appetite to make utter soup out of the Jews, homosexuals, and Negroes as well as feminists? Don’t you feel like biting and then excreting the wretched refuse from the third world? As the multicultural poison threatens our very own health, let us be consoled

that although multiculturalism and racial mixing is indeed venomous to our existence, it is edible. Let’s eat the Multiculturalists and roast them slowly on the kindle of White Christian Liberty. Let’s pierce them with a pitchfork as they roast so that we may savor our freedom! Let’s cook them alive so well that it won’t even allow us to say, "oh they’re still ripe!" No, lets char them if we have to! It’s time to arm ourselves with the recipe of success and begin to light the stove! Until we have thoroughly excreted these subversive elements who are so filthy that to call them human is an insult to the English language and the definition of the word, we will not be free!

A few concluding remarks should be made in this regard.

First, let me say who is not intended to listen to this message. This message was intended for White Christians, and in particular, men. On that note, it was not intended for: feminists, homosexuals, Jews, Communists, Latinos, Roman Catholics, Jews, brainwashed lemmings, uneducated freaks, mentally retarded, Jews, the handicapped, Jews, the learning disabled, the hearing impaired, Multiculturalists, Jews, Democrats, Jews, Moderate Republicans, United Methodists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, liberal Northerners, Jews, politicians, judges, Jews, lesbians, Vegans, punk rockers, Mansonites, freaks, Jews, Wiccans, Witches, wrestlers of the sissy Austin 3:16 variety, the sexually immoral or impure, Jews, animals, or Jews.


In Christ’s Name I Pray,

Alfred Farrington