
Second Declaration of Independence


Liberals Showing Ignorance

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C------------------n: Hello
C------------------n: I see your against segrigation.
What do you think about my best friend being

R-----------r: hey
R-----------r: im sorry for the delay
R-----------r: im not against segregation

C------------------n: So you like bucanan

: yeap

C------------------n: Are you a Hitler supporter?

: nop, i [think] some of his views are not bad
R-----------r: he's not the ultimate evil
R-----------r: that award goes to Joseph Stalin
R-----------r: and communism

C------------------n: What in the Hell?

: from 1917-1956 communism killed
70million people
R-----------r: hitler did what? 11-12million?
R-----------r: in china up to 120million people died
in the laogai
R-----------r: i like that hitler went against
R-----------r: but unfortunately fail in bringing the
evil empire down to its knees
R-----------r: you still there?

C------------------n: What about all of the child
starving in Russia now that they aren't communist?

: and you think that didn't happen
under communism?
R-----------r: that eveything was fine and dandy
R-----------r: what about the communists taking the
parents away from children?
R-----------r: and then for them to survive for them
R-----------r: what about the artificial famine
imposed by lazar kaganovich?

C------------------n: Well at least they had an

R-----------r: in the ukraine? which resulted in 7
million deaths...
R-----------r: they had nothing
R-----------r: when the state owns YOU and
everything you have, you have nothing
R-----------r: you are the property of the state
R-----------r: and the state can do whatever they
wish with you
R-----------r: even kill you
R-----------r: torture you
R-----------r: starve you
R-----------r: ANYTHING

C------------------n: I think your really stating to
freak me out bye

: hehe, afraid of the truth?
R-----------r: read some books!

C------------------n: No I'm afraid that their are
wackoes like you out their

: you're the wacko for being ignorant
to such matters
R-----------r: go live in your ideal world....

C------------------n: Did you hear about the16 million
people starving in Ethiopia right now?

: when you have something intelligent
to say, come back
R-----------r: yeap. did you hear about Mobutu
stealing Congo? or the masacres in Zimbabwe?

C------------------n: As a matter of fact I did

: oh really! whats happening in
zimbabwe then?

C------------------n: The people are killing white
farmers who still own 1\3 of the farm land
C------------------n: You like Bucanan so much
when my governer Jesse Ventera even knew what a
freak he was
C------------------n: Oh did I offend you?

: you really have a lot of information
about Zimbabwe! did you know that between
WW1 and WW2 the white farmers came to
Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe) and brought that
country from anarchy to prosperity? that they whites
started to educate the blacks on how to do things
right (ie farm). 92% of the agricultural output was
from white farms! then in 1979, the control of the
country was passed over the blacks, which have
ruined everything. they are moving towards a famine
now and the US/UN will have to bail them out! for
them own subsequent liberalism!
R-----------r: here's an example of what happened
in Zimbabwe
R-----------r: Stevens' neighbors followed in their
own car, until the Blacks in the
mission bus began shooting at them. Then the White
farmers sought refuge
in a police station. The Blacks followed them into the
police station
and seized them, while the Black policemen in the
station refused to
intervene in any way. The Blacks then drove Stevens
and his neighbors,
all handcuffed, into the bush and began beating and
torturing them. The
bones in their hands were broken with iron rods.
Their bodies were
whipped with automotive fan belts. Their feet were
burned with
cigarettes. They were beaten savagely with clubs.
Then the Blacks stood
David Stevens beside the road and killed him with
shotgun blasts to his
head and back.

C------------------n: well I guess I'm too stupid for
you so quite writing me back. Bye

: you wont here that from the media!
will you?!
R-----------r: hehe, nice talking to you :-)