Second Declaration of Independence

When in the course of human events, it
becomes necessary for one people to dissolve
the political oppression by which  a
minority, or any minorities, has subjugated
the majority, and to rise up among the
powers of the earth to the full and free
stature to which the laws of nature and
nature's God entitle a sovereign and
independent nation to be, a decent respect
to the opinions of mankind requires that
the people should declare the causes which
impel the nation to the Declaration.

We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that the American people is, and by right
ought to be, free and independent of all
powers and forces, whether within or without
our borders, save for the sovereign will
of the American People, itself, that the American
nation is, and by right ought to be, a
full and true democracy, deriving its just
powers from the consent of the governed,
expressed by the will of the majority of the
people.  That whenever any groups or
forces become destructive of these ends, it
is the right of the people to withdraw or
remove any power or privileges from any
such force or group and to institute such
reforms of government as will most likely
assure in perpetuity the nation's safety,
happiness, freedom and democratic form of

Prudence, indeed, will dictate
that practices established over the past
generation should be weighed against
longer established customs and traditions;
and accordingly all experience hath shown
that the American People is more likely to
throw off oppressive practices than to long
endure intolerable acts against the nation.

So, when the present train of abuses and
usurpations evinces a design to reduce the
American People under an absolute
despotism, depriving the nation itself of
self-government, it is the right and duty of
the people to throw off such chains and to
provide new safeguards for the nation's
future security.  The American People has
been patient and long-suffering;  but it is
now a necessity to bring about change and

The history of the present pro-minority era is a
history of repeated injuries and usurpations,
all having in direct object the establishment of
an absolute tyranny of minorities over the majority
in this country.  To prove this, let facts be
submitted to a candid world.

    Minorities have secured passage of laws
which prohibit the exercise of freedom of
speech, if such speech is offensive to them.

    Minorities have secured court rulings
which have prohibited the holding of free
elections, unless districts be drawn to suit
their own aggrandizement and advantage.

    Minorities have contrived the exercise of
governmental power to place themselves in
offices, to which they were not elected, in
jobs, for which they were not qualified, and
in neighborhoods, where they were not

    Minorities have finagled judges, courts
and officials to ban assemblies of the American
People, or to impose exorbitant and
prohibitive charges for such assemblies, in
an attempt to prevent criticism of their
abuses or curtail concerted action by the

    Minorities have secured promulgation of
court rulings which have prohibited the
American People from passing their own
property to their descendants according to
the dictates of their own consciences.

    Minorities have amassed caucuses and
other bodies to pressure government in
their direction, based upon actual or implied
threats of violence, mayhem and

    Minorities have openly supported individuals
and governments abroad which are
often openly hostile to the American People
and inimitable to the ways of civilized,
peaceful and just men.

    Minorities have congregated themselves
together to inflict rioting and looting, arson
and insurrection, on a scale unequaled
except in wartime, inflicting untold injury
to the American People and insult to law
and justice.

    Minorities have encouraged the use of
troops against the American People,
especially school children, to enforce their
entry into American institutions against the
will of the American People.

    Minorities have amassed an enormous
array of special privileges, favors and
powers which, in many and expanding
instances, shut the American People entirely
out of opportunity in jobs, housing,
the military and schools.

    Minorities have contrived schemes to set
aside entire segments of government under
their dominion and control, threatening the
very concept of democracy and rule by the
majority of the people.

    Minorities have endeavored to set up a
vast apparatus of government which assures
them virtual cradle to the grave support and
sustenance, at the expense of the
American People, bankrupting the nation.

    Minorities have contrived corruptly to
secure laws and practices whereby those
who work support those who loaf, setting
the nation on a course where the work-ethic
is devalued along with the earning power of
the honest and productive citizen.

    Minorities have obstructed the
administration of justice by imposing upon lawmakers
and judges to set aside places for themselves
on juries in violation of the Magna Carta and the
traditions of this nation that the jury should be free from
oppression or control, using such illegitimate
positions of influence to disadvantage the American

    Minorities have bent appointive and
elective officials to their will in order to
erect a multitude of new agencies and
offices, for their own express aggrandizement,
paying them excessive and outrageous sums for
superfluous programs and unnecessary services.

    Minorities have amassed innumerable
gangs among us, which have amounted to
armed, guerilla forces, without the consent
of the American People.

    Minorities have formed alliances and
cabals with foreigners and others to bring
aliens across our borders to further deprecate
our institutions, rob our inhabitants
and despoil our land.

    Minorities have employed threats and
violence to hinder enforcement of the laws,
particularly in areas where they predominate.

    Minorities have created a quality of life in
locales in which they hold sway which is
unacceptable to the aspirations of the American
People and which imperils the safety of those who
enter such confines.

    Minorities have combined with others to
despoil the English language, interfere with
commerce, degrade moral sensibilities and
curtail the heritage of the American People.

    Minorities have conducted themselves, by
their usurpations and aggrandizement, in
such a way as to threaten the concept of
equality among the American People, by
establishing a lordly or royal caste which is
above the law.

    Minorities have contrived such an
aberration of taxation upon the American
People that taxes are no longer collected
and spent fairly, but rather support, in
large measure, projects which promote
illegitimacy, dependency, the spreading of
disease, political instability and anti-social

    Minorities have formed alliances with
arbitrary and despotic governments abroad,
many of which openly or surreptitiously give
them financial aid to further their nefarious schemes.

    Minorities have frequently and persistently
secured the cancellation of elections entirely,
the suspension of the right to vote altogether or the
imposition of weighted voting in furtherance of
their aims.
    Minorities have imposed a system of force
upon the American People where private
businesses are compelled to truck with
them, serve them, support them or even
house them.

    Minorities have secured rulings and
instituted practices which prohibit curtailment
of their expanding birthrate, which already has
overwhelmed large segments of the health care
system and threatened to further cause social misery
and political instability.

    Minorities have prevailed upon government
to take away charters and curtail rights of schools,
churches and other hallowed institutions which
refuse to accept their demands.

    Minorities have secured passage of laws
which penalize certain legislatures and
require advance approval of locally enacted
laws in which they have inhabitants, further
eroding the equality of the American People
by concocting a set of laws for one section of
the country but not for another.

    Minorities have plundered our towns,
ravaged our institutions, burnt our  cities
and destroyed the lives of our people.

    Minorities at this very moment are
combining to encourage transportation to our
shores of vast numbers of foreigners and
aliens, akin to themselves, to complete the
works of death, desolation and tyranny,
already begun with circumstances of
perfidy and insolence.

    Minorities have compelled the American
People to evacuate homes, neighborhoods
and, even, entire cities, on a scale unparalleled
except in the most grievous instances of war and
despoliation, a totally unacceptable state of affairs
within a civilized nation.

    Minorities have constrained the courts to
mete out long and harsh sentences to our
countrymen who have engaged in protests
against minority aggrandizement or to
become informers against their friends and
brethren at the pain of becoming themselves
victim of such oppression.

    Minorities have excited insurrections
amongst us to the point where homes and
shops, schools and workplaces and, even,
ordinary streets and public places are
under actual siege from a merciless barbarism
which spares neither high or low,
rich or poor, man or woman.

In every stage of these oppressions, we
have petitioned for redress in the most
humble of terms:   our repeated petitions
have been answered only by repeated injury.
A clique or segment, group or caste,
whose character is thus marked by every
act which defines tyranny, is unfit to have
sway over a free people.
Nor have we been wanting in attention
toward our own government officials.  We
have conducted open air rallies, massive
parades, innumerable open microphones
and by means of publication, broadcasting
and the spoken word warned of the dangers
from the unwarrantable destruction of the
American Way of Life. 

We have reminded them of the rights of Englishmen,
the democracy of the Greeks, the laws of the
Romans and the charters and Constitution
upon which this nation was founded. 

We  have appealed to their native justice and
magnanimity, as well as to their conscience
which they, and all mankind, share in
doing good and uplifting that which is right
and we have conjured them by their ties of
the common kindred of the majority of the
American People to disavow these usurpations,
which would inevitably lead to the
extinction not only of  government of the
people, but extinction of the very people
which carries on our unique, free and
transcendent form of government. 

They,   too, have been deaf to the voice of justice
and consanguinity.

We must, therefore, acquiesce in the historic
necessity which calls for the bringing about of a
more perfect union, a greater homogeneous
society and a full, true, majority ruled,
democratic nation.

We, therefore, the American People,
appealing to the Supreme Judge of the
world for the rectitude of our intentions,
do, solemnly publish and declare that the
American People is, and of right ought to
be, ruled by the majority in a free, independent
and democratic manner;  that the nation is
absolved from all oppressions meted out by
minorities upon us;  and that all power consigned
to minorities shall be henceforth consigned to
and exercised by the majority of the entire
American People.

As a free and independent people, we have
the full power to vote altogether, across
state lines, by initiative and referendum,
through assemblies of the people and by
any other and just means by which the
sovereign will of the people may be made
known and to do all acts and things which
a full, true and participatory democracy
may of right do.

And for support of this Declaration, with a firm
reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,
we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our
fortunes and our sacred honor.